l 任务一
n training_set.txt用户评分数据共三列,从左到右依次为userId、movieId、rating。即用户id、电影id、该用户对该电影的评分。列之间以’\t’分隔,行之间以’\r\n’分隔。
n predict.txt为预测集合,共两列。从左到右依次是userId,movieId。即用户id,电影id.列之间以’\t’分隔,行之间以’\r\n’分隔。参赛者需要预测出第三列,即该用户对该电影的评分,作为第三列,并提交给评测平台。需要注意的是,参赛者最终提的predict.txt是三列,列之间以’\t’分隔,行之间以’\r\n’分隔。行之间的顺序不能乱,行的总数不能少。
- 7245481 962729 4.0
- 7245481 356405 4.0
- 7245481 836383 4.0
- 7245481 284550 4.0
- 7245481 723581 4.0
- 7245481 827305 4.0
- 7245481 572786 4.0
- 7245481 473690 4.0
- .....................
- .....................
- .....................
- 7245481 794171
- 7245481 381060
- 7245481 776002
- 7245481 980705
- 7245481 354292
- 7245481 738735
- 7245481 624561
- 7245481 985808
- 7245481 378349
- 7245481 778269
- 7245481 242057
- ...................
- ...................
- ...................
- userMap = {}
- movieMap = {}
- with open('training_set.txt') as fp:
- fp_user = open('usermap.txt', 'w')
- fp_movis = open('moviemap.txt', 'w')
- fp_out = open('smallMatrix.txt', 'w')
- fp_prediction = open('test.txt', 'r')
- fp_out2 = open('smallPredictionMatrix.txt','w')
- for line in fp:
- line = line.strip()
- if line == '':
- continue
- tup = line.split()
- raw_user = tup[0]
- raw_movie = tup[1]
- rate = float(tup[2])
- if raw_user not in userMap:
- userMap[raw_user] = len(userMap.keys())
- user_id = userMap[raw_user]
- if raw_movie not in movieMap:
- movieMap[raw_movie] = len(movieMap.keys())
- movie_id = movieMap[raw_movie]
- fp_out.write('{0} {1} {2}\n'.format(user_id, movie_id, rate))
- for raw_user, user_id in userMap.items():
- fp_user.write('{0} {1}\n'.format(raw_user, user_id))
- for raw_movie, movie_id in movieMap.items():
- fp_movis.write('{0} {1}\n'.format(raw_movie, movie_id))
- for line2 in fp_prediction:
- line2 = line2.strip()
- if line2 == '':
- continue
- tup2 = line2.split()
- raw_user2 = tup2[0]
- raw_movie2 = tup2[1]
- user_id2 = userMap[raw_user2]
- movie_id2 = movieMap[raw_movie2]
- fp_out2.write('{0} {1}\n'.format(user_id2, movie_id2))
- 0 0 4.0
- 0 1 4.0
- 0 2 4.0
- 0 3 4.0
- 0 4 4.0
- 0 5 4.0
- 0 6 4.0
- 0 7 4.0
- 0 8 4.0
- 0 9 4.0
- 0 10 4.0
- 0 11 4.0
- 0 12 4.0
- 0 13 4.0
- 0 14 4.0
- 0 15 4.0
- 0 16 4.0
- 0 17 4.0
- 0 18 4.0
- 0 19 4.0
- 0 20 4.0
- 0 21 4.0
- 0 22 4.0
- 0 23 4.0
- 0 24 4.0
- 0 25 4.0
- 0 26 4.0
- 0 27 4.0
- 0 28 4.0
- 0 29 4.0
- 0 30 4.0
- 0 31 4.0
- 0 32 4.0
- 0 33 4.0
- 0 34 4.0
- 0 35 4.0
- 0 36 4.0
- 0 37 4.0...
- 0 617
- 0 567
- 0 575
- 0 1211
- 0 1735
- 0 1255
- 0 620
- 0 795
- 0 890
- 0 706
- 0 599
- 0 1248
- 0 1651
- 0 621
- 0 1996
- 0 1003
- 0 2347...
- 3.579231 10000 10000 10 0.01 0.05
- averageScore userNum itemNum factorNum learnRate regularization
- import math
- import random
- import cPickle as pickle
- #calculate the overall average
- def Average(fileName):
- fi = open(fileName, 'r')
- result = 0.0
- cnt = 0
- for line in fi:
- cnt += 1
- arr = line.split()
- result += int(arr[2].strip())
- return result / cnt
- def InerProduct(v1, v2):
- result = 0
- for i in range(len(v1)):
- result += v1[i] * v2[i]
- return result
- def PredictScore(av, bu, bi, pu, qi):
- pScore = av + bu + bi + InerProduct(pu, qi)
- if pScore < 1:
- pScore = 1
- elif pScore > 5:
- pScore = 5
- return pScore
- #def SVD(configureFile, testDataFile, trainDataFile, modelSaveFile):
- def SVD(configureFile, trainDataFile, modelSaveFile):
- #get the configure
- fi = open(configureFile, 'r')
- line = fi.readline()
- arr = line.split()
- averageScore = float(arr[0].strip())
- userNum = int(arr[1].strip())
- itemNum = int(arr[2].strip())
- factorNum = int(arr[3].strip())
- learnRate = float(arr[4].strip())
- regularization = float(arr[5].strip())
- fi.close()
- bi = [0.0 for i in range(itemNum)]
- bu = [0.0 for i in range(userNum)]
- temp = math.sqrt(factorNum)
- qi = [[(0.1 * random.random() / temp) for j in range(factorNum)] for i in range(itemNum)]
- pu = [[(0.1 * random.random() / temp) for j in range(factorNum)] for i in range(userNum)]
- print("initialization end\nstart training\n")
- #train model
- preRmse = 1000000.0
- for step in range(5):
- fi = open(trainDataFile, 'r')
- for line in fi:
- arr = line.split()
- uid = int(arr[0].strip()) - 1
- iid = int(arr[1].strip()) - 1
- score = int(arr[2].strip())
- prediction = PredictScore(averageScore, bu[uid], bi[iid], pu[uid], qi[iid])
- eui = score - prediction
- #update parameters
- bu[uid] += learnRate * (eui - regularization * bu[uid])
- bi[iid] += learnRate * (eui - regularization * bi[iid])
- for k in range(factorNum):
- temp = pu[uid][k] #attention here, must save the value of pu before updating
- pu[uid][k] += learnRate * (eui * qi[iid][k] - regularization * pu[uid][k])
- qi[iid][k] += learnRate * (eui * temp - regularization * qi[iid][k])
- fi.close()
- #learnRate *= 0.9
- #curRmse = Validate(testDataFile, averageScore, bu, bi, pu, qi)
- #print("test_RMSE in step %d: %f" %(step, curRmse))
- #if curRmse >= preRmse:
- # break
- #else:
- # preRmse = curRmse
- #write the model to files
- fo = file(modelSaveFile, 'wb')
- pickle.dump(bu, fo, True)
- pickle.dump(bi, fo, True)
- pickle.dump(qi, fo, True)
- pickle.dump(pu, fo, True)
- fo.close()
- print("model generation over")
- #validate the model
- def Validate(testDataFile, av, bu, bi, pu, qi):
- cnt = 0
- rmse = 0.0
- fi = open(testDataFile, 'r')
- for line in fi:
- cnt += 1
- arr = line.split()
- uid = int(arr[0].strip()) - 1
- iid = int(arr[1].strip()) - 1
- pScore = PredictScore(av, bu[uid], bi[iid], pu[uid], qi[iid])
- tScore = int(arr[2].strip())
- rmse += (tScore - pScore) * (tScore - pScore)
- fi.close()
- return math.sqrt(rmse / cnt)
- #use the model to make predict
- def Predict(configureFile, modelSaveFile, testDataFile, resultSaveFile):
- #get parameter
- fi = open(configureFile, 'r')
- line = fi.readline()
- arr = line.split()
- averageScore = float(arr[0].strip())
- fi.close()
- #get model
- fi = file(modelSaveFile, 'rb')
- bu = pickle.load(fi)
- bi = pickle.load(fi)
- qi = pickle.load(fi)
- pu = pickle.load(fi)
- fi.close()
- #predict
- fi = open(testDataFile, 'r')
- fo = open(resultSaveFile, 'w')
- for line in fi:
- arr = line.split()
- uid = int(arr[0].strip()) - 1
- iid = int(arr[1].strip()) - 1
- pScore = PredictScore(averageScore, bu[uid], bi[iid], pu[uid], qi[iid])
- fo.write("%f\n" %pScore)
- fi.close()
- fo.close()
- print("predict over")
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- configureFile = 'svd.conf'
- trainDataFile = 'ml_data\\smallMatrix.txt'
- testDataFile = 'ml_data\\smallPredictionMatrix.txt'
- modelSaveFile = 'svd_model.pkl'
- resultSaveFile = 'prediction.txt'
- #print("%f" %Average("ua.base"))
- SVD(configureFile, trainDataFile, modelSaveFile)
- Predict(configureFile, modelSaveFile, testDataFile, resultSaveFile)
- fp1 = open('predict.txt')
- fp2 = open('prediction.txt')
- fp_out = open('file3.txt', 'w')
- for line1, line2 in zip(fp1, fp2):
- line1 = line1.strip()
- line2 = line2.strip()
- fp_out.write('{0}\t{1}\n'.format(line1, line2))
- 7245481 794171 3.879440
- 7245481 381060 4.028262
- 7245481 776002 4.152251
- 7245481 980705 3.986217
- 7245481 354292 3.758884
- 7245481 738735 3.925804
- 7245481 624561 3.880905
- 7245481 985808 3.776078
- 7245481 378349 3.902128
- 7245481 778269 3.892242
- 7245481 242057 3.871258
- 7245481 648898 3.861340
- 7245481 171218 3.696469
- 7245481 897136 3.834176
- 7245481 572785 3.917795
- 7245481 518661 3.835075
- 7245481 544840 3.873519
- 7245481 131620 3.725185
- 7245481 600353 3.899684
- 7245481 865019 3.878535
- ..........................
- ..........................
- ..........................